lundi 13 février 2012


There are few things I like talking about more than about reducing stress through the narrative discourse using the first person viewpoint, first, because of the results second, because, once a client has done it, it is almost like starting to write on a clean slate. I would say that doing this work is "a return to life". It is a wonderful way to clean up the past and reach levels of joy and fulfilment never reached before. 

Following our natural rhythm is unnatural in this day and age
Our fast-moving modern lives prevent us from following our natural rhythm. Based on hyperactivity, competition, agressivity, and will, we hold in contempt our fatigue, when it is our best alarm system. We go beyond, producing efforts upon efforts. And from fatigue, we buck up, we hang on, we persist and end up...exhausted.

Our athletes give all they have to be on a podium with a medal. When they fail, they have to give up that dream for a long while and it can be devastating, changing the course of their life.

Exhaustion produces two reactions
Exhaustion produces two reactions: depression and agitation. The exhausted is caracterized by two poles: he depresses and he is anxious and agitated.

Depression is inhibiting with its incapacity to act
In depression, activity is greatly reduced: gestures, speech, digestive functions are troubled, then slowed. Thinness, trembling, vision blurs, tachicardia appear; depression is inhibiting and debilitating with its incapacity to act. The physical and mental energy is insufficient to accomplish even ordinary tasks. It is normal that the depressed refuses to handle any situation demanding action: the nervous system, slowed down or bogged down, does not allow it anymore.

Depression may appear after a prolonged stressful situation
Depression, with its psychological component, appears after prolonged stressful situations, doubts, anxiety-provoking circumstances and fears, and by exhaustion, brings about a state of free-falling tension. Often insomniac, the depressed experiences migraine headaches, a sense of increasing physical and mental weariness, and therefore, an inability to concentrate. Mania and tics develop, and on top of physical ailments, the depressed is afraid of going crazy. Emotions are in upheaval and uncontrollable.

Deliberate willfulness plunges the depressed into apathy
"Willfulness" is the quality most lacking for the depressed. The dispersion of deliberate willfulness plunges the depressed into an apathy he does not recognize.

If, what is described here resembles your problem, you need to see a doctor. But you also need to take care of your spirit because sleeping better is not going to remove whatever it is that brought this on.

The need to revise the situations at the origin of the depression
A psychotherapy is nessecary to revise the situations originating in the stress and at least, to offer you new methods of handling your stress.

Unraveling childhood conditionning patterns changes cognitive references
Unraveling childhood conditionning patterns changes cognitive references and processes to allow you to act differently in any given situation.

Message from Lorraine Loranger
Our fast-moving modern lives prevent us from following our natural rhythm. Based on hyperactivity, competition, and will, we hold in contempt our fatigue and stress. As we go beyond, producing efforts upon efforts, we buck up, we hang on, we persist and end up...exhausted.

Let us say that I have a philosophy for doing the work I do and the way I do it. Accounts of significant events in the life of the narrator have a plot, which is less often chronological and more often arranged according to a principle determined by the nature of the help the person needs. It is non-conventional: narration in the sense that it is used here deals with description, time, as well as context. 

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